How Does Auto Insurance Work for College Students Away from Home?
Coverage for College Students
It is important to notify your auto insurer when your student is preparing to leave for college to update their driving status.
In most cases, college students can stay on their parent’s car insurance if they have not moved out permanently and their parent owns the vehicle.
Many auto insurers will let a student stay on their parent’s auto policy if the student plans to drive and keep the vehicle registered in the parent’s name while at school.
If your student is permanently living away from home or has a car in their name, they will likely need their own policy.
Discounts Available for College Students
Fortunately, many auto insurers offer discounts for college students (and their parent), which can reduce the premium.
- Good Student Discount: If your student meets your auto insurer's requirements and completes an application, they can receive a discount for academic performance.
- Student Away at School Discount: Students insured on their parent’s policy and attending a college at least 100 miles from home without a car may be eligible for a discount.
- Usage-Based Discount (UBI): For students on their own policy, some insurers offer UBI, which determines rates based on how much the policyholder drives and/or whether the policyholder practices safe driving habits.
Before your student leaves for college, check with your auto insurer to review your auto policy and discuss any potential changes to ensure your student is protected while away from home.